Saturday, February 25, 2012

Moving on?

It has been a long hard road with D and lately I have felt like I may need to let him go.  We love eachother but we are both so very damaged.  I struggle with agoraphobia, depression, and avoidant behavior.  D drinks and gets mean, he calls me names and gets violent.  His anger triggers my panic attacks, self harm, and suicide attempts.  We feed into one another's madness.  I would let us both go down in a blaze of glory but we have children and my counselor pointed out that our behavior is going to teach the kids to be just like us.  To be damaged.  I cannot allow that.  My mind tells me that I need to go but my heart is still hanging on.  I cannot become my mother and selfishly hang onto a toxic love while it destroys my children.  D is trying to change but I have heard it all so many times that I don't really have any faith that he can follow through.  So I just mope around feeling like I am already alone.  I am angry, I'm hurt, and I am scared of having to face the world alone but I already lived a life much too similar to this with my father......I am not going to perpetuate it with my children.

I told D that I might have to leave.  I told him that me and the children need to be safe and us living apart might be the only way for both of us to get better.  I don't want another man, I just can't be in a situation where I have to depend on D anymore.  I practically do everything myself now anyway so it wouldn't be much different if I lived in a different house.  He seemed to understand but sober rational D is much different than the drunk version that would prompt my leaving.  I don't know what is going to happen.

I'm praying for a miracle but I know it is time to move on if he won't get better.  It makes me sad.  =(     Why can't love just be enough?  Why can't you love someone better?

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